Infection of PMR Result

Assalamualaikum.guys!!you know what?!I'm so nervous with tomorrow.Tomorrow,our PMR result will be announce.takut.takut.*gigit jari.But,whatever the result is,i've to accept it.But,i hope that i'll get  'gempak' result for myself,my family,my friends,my teacher,my school,my state and my country.Yes!!Semangat naik tau  skang ne.*nk cover perut kecut tu je.

Yg penting,sy dh buat yg trbaek waktu PMR exam dulu.Skrng ni,aku dengar lg jiwang2 je.nk pi tenangkan diri ni.tu je la dulu ek.Esok,sy inform brapa result yg sy dpt ye?Wassalam.


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