Addmath Project Work 2014
Assalamualaikum and bonjour.holahola.It's holiday!Let's party!O yeah.Mimpi!SPM taun ni!.So,no more party and get more focus in our target.Regarding to the tittle above,stiap SPM candidate akan ada project work kan.And for this year,Sarawak state ,tittle dia local government ni nak tolong poor family dr beberapa village untuk bina rumah la.Diorang dah bagi 25m concrete wall and supply with 185m of wire fence.So,ade beberapa prob dia bagi yg kita kena bg solutions dalam term addmath.
And alhamdulillah,kitorang dh bincangkan methods yg kitorang gunakan and for now mesti solvekan yg bhgn further exploration.It's kinda tough but yeah lots of fun doing it.Because dia mcm satu race la.Sape yg dh dapat methods dia,confirm smua org mintak "tolong".hahah.And for me,haven't start anything.Malam nantilah yer.Orait.That's all.
And alhamdulillah,kitorang dh bincangkan methods yg kitorang gunakan and for now mesti solvekan yg bhgn further exploration.It's kinda tough but yeah lots of fun doing it.Because dia mcm satu race la.Sape yg dh dapat methods dia,confirm smua org mintak "tolong".hahah.And for me,haven't start anything.Malam nantilah yer.Orait.That's all.
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